Prices for bariatric operations

Prices for bariatric operations

Due to a substantial increase in the price of the gastric balloon, the charge for the operation involving its installation has gone up.

Intragastric balloon insertion – 60,000-70,000 rubles.
Gastric banding – 130,000 rubles
Longitudinal gastrectomy – 150,000 rubles
Gastric bypass – 170,000 rubles

These prices do not constitute a public offer. The final cost can only be determined on consultation in person.

Many patients are asking why our prices are lower than at the other clinics.
Let us explain it in so many words.
The Almazov Center is a federal institution. Thus, in contrast to commercial clinics, its main goal is to provide affordable high-tech healthcare to complex patients from diverse regions of the country. The inmates will therefore pay only for the basic cost of surgery and hospitalization, not for the Center’s super-profit.
At present, bariatric surgery is not included in medical insurance and healthcare programs guaranteed by the state, so the task of the Center is to make the most of making bariatric surgery services accessible to the public.

Advisory appointments

The Almazov Center of the Russian Health Ministry
St. Petersburg, 15 Parhomenko Street
Appointments by phone: +7 (812) 702 37 06, +7 921 759 08 28

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